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Student Stories
The second RUB Summer School 2019 „Industrie 4.0“
Sep 2, 2019
In early August I was lucky to be part of a team who welcomed 15 students from China visiting the RUB for a Summer School to learn more about the topic „Industry 4.0“ about how the Ruhr area had left the big times of coal-mining and steel behind.
As a student assistant you get in touch with the students from abroad very easily as you are living a student life yourself and can put yourself in their shoes. The first day at the beginning of the week took us to the wonderful Botanical Garden of the Ruhr University and on a guided campustour Before starting with the technical content of the seminar we wanted to make sure everybody gets to know “their” university and felt a bit at home already.
A significant part of the Summer School was to convey the industrial history of the Ruhr area to the students finishing it with a visit of the Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord. The students were carried along by the stunning apparatuses of the old days and along with them, I also learned new surprising facts about the past.
My personal highlight was to dive into the world of the Chinese card game „Landlord“, which I miraculously won 3 times in a row. My Chinese colleagues couldn’t believe it at all which was a very funny moment for all of us. I call it: Beginner’s luck.
Speaking of luck, this was what some of our students needed during the Seminar-Game, a software based tool of production simulation of a car manufacturer. Our students were very motivated during those 2 days, knowing the best team would win a price.
Along with the technical topics we planned some excursions beyond the Ruhr area. One of those trips brought us to the beautiful city of Düsseldorf. The students really wanted to try the German meal „Haxe“ in one of our breweries. It seems that the dish is very popular in China. But: The joy of one is the other’s pain: While the boys enjoyed that delicacy, the girls were surprised about what they had just ordered.
Altogether both, the Chinese students and we student assistants had a great time together and we hope to stay in touch with our mutual friends.